Sunday, June 13, 2010
Turdles and friends
This is kind of of a joke but sometimes people will buy the craziest stuff. This idea calls for taking crap - literally, making little animal shapes out of it, painting them with cute little faces, etc and then sealing it with laquer or something similar. It's the kind of crafty thing that some people (ok-stupid people) will buy. Again - kind of a joke but .........?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Big Ideas # 16
This big idea is about refrigerators. Yes, refrigerators. My wife and I have had both side by side refrigerators and refrigerators with the freezer on the top. My mom has a refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom. All of these have their advantages and disadvantages. The freezer on the side by side is too narrow and a lot of space is wasted. The freezer on the bottom is probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I don't like the idea of having bend over or lay down in order to get something out and it has a lot wasted space as well. Freezer on the top is great but then you have to bend down to get something out of the lower drawers of the refrigerator. My solution is to have a fridge that sits on the counter and is like chopping it in half and setting it on the counter. There wouldn't be cabinets above the counter so that the freezer section would be at the same level as the freezer in a top freezer model and the the lowest point in the fridge would be the same level as the counter top. That would give you the flexibility to have it at whatever level you chose to build the counter top at.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Big Ideas # 15
I'm surprised it took this long. Here's a prediction - CD's aren't too far behind. With so much of the distribution of music going to digital, I would suspect that in 5 years, CD's will be obsolete. I wonder why the record companies haven't gone to selling USB drives with music on them. 1GB flash drives are only about $15.00 now and that's more than enough to hold a whole CD encrypted at CD quality. You would have about 400mb or so to put promo material on. I'll bet that you could get them for half that (or less) in bulk. Oh, crap. Some record company exec will read this and steal my idea. Well for whatever it's worth that's my big idea today.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Big Ideas #14
I had the opportunity to go to New Orleans recently with my wife and daughter. While we were walking around on Decatur Street, my daughter notice a little girl that had her shoes on the wrong feet. I remarked that it would be cool to have shoes that looked like they were on the wrong feet but fit properly or even better to have shoes that were both left footed or right footed like the character from "Best in Show". My wife and my daughter both thought that I was crazy but we'll see who's crazy when someone comes out with a line like that.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Big Ideas #13
I've been very interested in these little Roomba robots. The idea that you can turn them on and they'll sweep and mop your floors while you sleep is awesome. My next door neighbor worked for the Weedeater company when they were testing a prototype of a robotic lawnmower. It looked like a big green turtle, was solar powered and would continually cut the grass by following an algorithm. Definately the coolest thing since sliced cheese. It had one serious drawback that the Roomba robots have as well. It could't get into corners and you still had to trim around trees and bushes. The Roomba's brushes that scrub or pickup are in the middle of the machine and since the machine is round like the grass cutting robot, they can't get into corners either. My idea is to make it square or rectangular and move the brushes to the front so that they extend a bit outside the edge of the robot. Then the scrubbing or sweeping motion will also involve not only rotation of the brushes but a sort of orbital motion like that of a palm sander to get all the dirt. Anyone interested in pursuing this, let me know.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Big Ideas #12
With the summer heat right around the corner, my mind has been focusing on air conditioning. For those of you that live where the summers are mild enough that you don't need it, you won't understand how important it is when the temperature is 95 degrees and the humidity is above 75%. I had an idea that a good way to control the high cost associated with air conditioning would be to direct the air conditioning only where it was needed. What I thought would be cool would be to have individual air conditioning units for each room so that only the rooms that needed it would get it. "Wait a minute", you say, "Don't window air-conditioners do that?" Yes, but they're ugly, and not very efficient because they don't usually have a thermostat. What I'm talking about is a unit that would fit in the space above the room and would exhaust the cool air through existing air-conditioning registers. It would, of course, have to be connected to a main compressor (or two) . The compressor(s) would run at a variable rate depending on how many of the individual units were on at the same time and the return air would be fed back to be cooled through a very small aperture rather than the large, single return that you find in current systems. The same system could be used for forced air heating only you'd want the air to come out closer to the floor so that it would heat the room as it rose. It's been proven time and time again that point of use systems save money and are more responsive. Look at point of use water heaters. They product hot water instantly and you don't have a big tank of hot water that you have to keep hot whether you need it or not.
You could even take this to the next level and use an entirely new sort of refrigeration by utilizing Peltier cooling. The technology involved applies current to a coated plate and because of the circuitry involved, the plate has a cold side and a hot side. Blow air past the cold side and you have air conditioning, the hot side, heating.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Big Ideas #11
This time of year where I live, the temperature can vary greatly from day to day and even during the course of the day. It's not uncommon for the high temp to be 75 or 80 with the lows in the 40's. You've got to run the airconditioner during the day because of the humidity and then if you don't remember to reset the thermostat when you go to bed, you'll wake up in the middle of the night, freezing. I had the brilliant idea this morning that thermostats ought to have temperature and humidity sensors outside so that when the outside temperature and humidity reached a predetermined level, the Heating/Air-conditioning unit would respond appropriately. Very often, the temperature will be high but the humidity won't and the airconditioner works overtime trying to get the nearly non-existant humidity out of the air. I know this would be a very simple technical issue and could be implemented with some integrated circuits or even simple computer chip.
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