Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Big Ideas #11

This time of year where I live, the temperature can vary greatly from day to day and even during the course of the day. It's not uncommon for the high temp to be 75 or 80 with the lows in the 40's. You've got to run the airconditioner during the day because of the humidity and then if you don't remember to reset the thermostat when you go to bed, you'll wake up in the middle of the night, freezing. I had the brilliant idea this morning that thermostats ought to have temperature and humidity sensors outside so that when the outside temperature and humidity reached a predetermined level, the Heating/Air-conditioning unit would respond appropriately. Very often, the temperature will be high but the humidity won't and the airconditioner works overtime trying to get the nearly non-existant humidity out of the air. I know this would be a very simple technical issue and could be implemented with some integrated circuits or even simple computer chip.

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