Thursday, February 09, 2006

Big Ideas #9

Here's one I don't think anyone's thought of yet. With online ads becoming such a treasure trove for Google, web designers and owners, I think it will be a matter of time before Google or someone else will figure out that if you give (for free) someone a computer and the browser has a toolbar with contextual adds built into it, you could recoup your investment in no time flat. My little website generates about $2.00 per day from Google ads and I don't get that many hits (although I'd love to see that change). That's over $700 per year. It wouldn't take much to make sure the investment was paid for if you got someone's credit card number as security. I don't think many people would have a problem with that. If someone's surfing went below a predetermined amount, you could charge their card for $5.00 per day for every day below that amount. If the charge bounced, you could warn the person that the machine would be disabled if they didn't take care of the problem. Obviously, the system would have to be locked to prevent people from installing another browser although many people who would take this deal wouldn't do that anyway.

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