Monday, March 13, 2006

Big Ideas #10

My latest idea came about after my wife and a friend of hers went out for a walk last week. The next day the both complained about their allergies and my wife joke that they would have to wear surgical masks when they went out for a walk next time. The little light bulb went off over my head. Why couldn't something like a swimmer's nose plug with filters in them work to keep allergens out of your nose? Even if you breathed through your mouth, I don't think that would be a problem because the allergic reaction is in your nose. I suppose the real challenge would be to make them small enough to fit in your nose without being seen while being large enough not to be inhaled. Also, with atheletes, their nasal cavities expand and you would want one of those things in your lungs. I'll bet there are some people out there in the bio-medical field that can overcome those problems without any trouble at all.

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