Thursday, December 01, 2005

Big Ideas #1

David Gray

I've always been one of those people that thinks of cool new things but either doesn't do anything about it or doesn't have the wherewithal to. I can't tell you how many times I've thought of some new product only to see it come out a few years later. For instance, about 10 years ago, shortly after I got my Directv satellite dish, I thought "Wow, just think if they could do the same thing for music - you could have an All Beatles, All the Time station, etc" You know how that turned out. My precognition may be limited to new products or ideas. Well, I've finally decided to do something about it. Everytime I have one of my Big Ideas, I'm going to post it on this blog. If it has any merit, maybe someone will pick up the ball and run with it. Perhaps there's someone out there that can improve upon it. Regardless, at least I can say that I did something about it. Starting this blog was a Big Idea. I only wish I had something like this 20 years ago when I thought of having one computer per household and several computing appliances connected to it distributed throughout the house. About two weeks ago, I saw just that on Linkswarm. It's about the size of a wall socket and it has 128mb of memory, 4 USB connectors and connections for a monitor, and speakers. Anyway, my most recent Big Idea came to me at my office. I was using some correction fluid and I have always been impatient when it comes to waiting for the stuff to dry. If it doesn't dry completely and you try to write on it, it will ruin your pen. I've always joked around about using a little hairdryer on it. Then the lightbulb went on and I thought - " A pen with a fan on the end of it!". After a moment, I trashed that idea and thought maybe the correction fluid bottle should be able to puff air out of it when you squeezed it. That would be fairly simple and wouldn't require any batteries. That's all I've got for now.

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